Can you give me a ball park price on a new garage door?
The best way to determine how much a new door is going to cost is to have one of our garage door technicians come out to your home. That way we can verify the door size, tracking system, and make sure there are no issues that may require a price adjustment. However, sometimes all you want is a rough estimate. Is this door going to cost around 1,500 or closer to 5,000? That's where our ball park estimator comes in handy. You can click through a couple features and get an idea of how much that door is going to cost. If it seems like it'll fit your budget, then we can set up a time to come out and work up a true estimate. If you want to design your door down to the very last detail or choose a luxury model, visit our Garage Doors page and use the embedded Clopay designer tool. Our team will work up a quote and send it back to you within 48 hours.
Let's Begin....
Is your garage door a single door or a double door?
Is your garage door a single door or a double door?